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Force clients to update the DNS in a timely manner

I have run in the past with some issues where clients were unable to update their IP in the DNS servers. This solved my problems:

Create a new GPO and assign to the domain.

Browse to Computer Configuration / Policies / Administrative Templates / Network / DNS Client and configure the following:

  1. Dynamic update: Enable.
  2. Register PTR record: Enable and select “Register” from drop down menu
  3. Registration refresh interval: 1800s
  4. Replace address in conflicts: Enable.

Please note : updating PTR records is not yet supported by Samba, see:

sponsoring the work the implement this by some Samba developers is welcome.

Caponato's Samba notebook. Start here or else Main menu

samba/update-dns.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/25 09:06 by caponato